Reconciliation Coaching
Life Gives us Everything we Need

Reconcile with yourself - body, emotions, thoughts and soul - as well as with your life and all the people with whom you are interacting. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Let's find the direction of your deepest desires and reconcile with all the obstacles within you and around you to achieve this reconciliation. Tap into the energy of Life and let it direct you to your highest potential. Alone we can only go half way. The other half of the journey is in the hands of Life. This is the path of Reconciliation Coaching.
Claudio Lamsa has been a certified Life Coach since 2008 specializing in relationships. He has also been a Holistic Healing practitioner certified in Touch For Health/Kinesiology, Nutrition Counseling and Qi Gong since 2005.
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The Process
Define your next goal in life and co-create it
Embrace your talents and your uniqueness in the world (soft skills)
Develop conscious communication skills in order to harmonize your relationship with your partner, friends, colleagues, parents, children, adversaries
Overcome your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blockages that are preventing you from fulfilling your goals
Experience joy and satisfaction in your career, relationships, health, wellbeing, creativity and community interactions
Reconcile with yourself, with your relationships and with your life (past, present and future)
The process of reconciling is based on the approach that Claudio calls The 3 C of Connection to Life
1. Clarity: being aware, conscious, true with ourselves, and with the events we are living
2. Compassion: loving and forgiving ourselves, others, and the events we are living
3. Courage: being engaged and committed to fulfill our soul's desires, for ourselves, others, and the world
... and The 7 RE of Reconciliation
1. Recognize: Do you recognize the game at play in this specific situation of your life?
2. Reflect: What is the link between the present situation and similar past situations? Is what you see outside yourself a mirror of what you have inside yourself?
3. React: What are the feelings generated in you?
4. Regret: Is there something to forgive in yourself and/or in others?
5. Request: What do you really need and how can you ask for it to benefit all involved?
6. Resolve: What new direction did you decide to follow and how can you make it happen?
7. Responsibilize: Since it takes a few months to adopt a new habit, how can you enact the implementation of your resolution, make a commitment, and take the full responsibility of it?